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Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

Sheila On 7 Hari Bersamanya

Hari telah terganti
Tak bisa ku hindari
Tibalah saat ini bertemu dengannya
Jantungku berdegup cepat
Kaki bergetar hebat
Akankah aku ulangi merusak harinya
Mohon Tuhan
Untuk kali ini saja
Beri aku kekuatan
‘tuk menatap matanya
Mohon Tuhan
Untuk kali ini saja
Lancarkanlah hariku
Hariku bersamanya
Hariku bersamanya
Kau tahu betapa aku
Lemah dihadapannya
Kau tahu berapa lama
Aku mendambakannya
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Tuhan tolonglah (beri kesempatan)
Tuhan tolonglah (beri kesempatan)
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Hariku bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Tuhan tolonglah
Hari bersamanya
Tuhan tolonglah
Hari bersamanya

 tips cara menghilangkan lingkaran hitam di wajah

Jika kamu kurang tidur. Biasanya akan muncul lingkaran hitam disekitar mata.
Apakah kamu mau mukamu ada lingkaran hitam yang bikin wajahmu jadi gak ganteng?
Jika sudah terlanjur ada, coba tips untuk menghilangkan lingkaran hitam berikut.
1. Larutkan garam kedalam air lalu usapkan ke mata secara perlahan
2. Tutup mata dengan kapas yang telah diberi jus kentang atau jus mentimun selama 5 sampai 10 menit.
Tips diatas tidak akan memberikan dampak secara instan sehingga diperlukan kesabaran dalam melakukannya.

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010


ketika engkau datang
mengapa di saat ku
tak mungkin menggapaimu

meskipun tlah kau semaikan cinta
dibalik senyuman indah
kau jadikan seakan nyata
seolah kau belahan jiwa

meskipun tak mungkin lagi
tuk menjadi pasanganku
namun ku yakini cinta
kau kekasih hati

terkadang pintu surga
sukar dimengerti
semua ini kita terlambat

ungu-percaya padaku

Aku tak tahu apa yang kurasakan
Dalam hatiku saat pertama kali
Lihat dirimu melihatmu

Seluruh tubuhku terpaku dan membisu
Detak jantungku berdetak tak menentu
Sepertinya aku tak ingin berlalu
Berikan cintamu juga sayangmu
Percaya padaku ku ‘kan menjagamu
Hingga akhir waktu menjemputku
Ku berikan cintaku juga sayangku
Percaya padaku ku ‘kan menjagamu
Hingga akhir waktu menjemputku
Saat ku tahu kau akan pergi jauh
Izinkan aku ‘tuk selalu menatimu
Untuk katakan ku ingin dirimu
Agar kau tahu betapa ku terlalu
Mencintaimu aku akan menunggu
Hingga dirimu kembali untukku
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Tolonglah aku bagaimana diriku
Ungkapkan itu rasa yang membelenggu
Dalam hatiku ku cinta padamu

Into The Silent

the smiling moon sez to me
there is no clash in my life
make me weak and make me sick
and there’s no time
and have no chance
and i walk into the silent
thought keep inside not even concluded
the shadow hides eternity
the ruler of darkness distorted gear
and make it blur
and i can’t see
and i walk into the silent
walk into the silent
reff :
what can i do now
there is no chance to proof
i just fall to the ground
but still i hope i can fly
 The smiling moon sez to me
There is no clash in my life
Make me weak and make me sick
And there's no time
And have no chance
And I walk into the silent

Thought keep inside not even concluded
The shadow hides eternity
The ruler of darkness distorted gear
And make it blur
And I can't see
And I walk into the silent
Walk into the silent

Reff :
What can I do now
There is no chance to proof
I just fall to the ground
But still I hope I can fly
The smiling moon sez to me
There is no clash in my life
Make me weak and make me sick
And there's no time
And have no chance
And I walk into the silent

Thought keep inside not even concluded
The shadow hides eternity
The ruler of darkness distorted gear
And make it blur
And I can't see
And I walk into the silent
Walk into the silent

Reff :
What can I do now
There is no chance to proof
I just fall to the ground
But still I hope I can fly
  • Into The Silent

    The smiling moon sez to me
    There is no clash in my life
    Make me weak and make me sick
    And there's no time
    And have no chance
    And I walk into the silent

    Thought keep inside not even concluded
    The shadow hides eternity
    The ruler of darkness distorted gear
    And make it blur
    And I can't see
    And I walk into the silent
    Walk into the silent

    Reff :
    What can I do now
    There is no chance to proof
    I just fall to the ground
    But still I hope I can fly
The smiling moon sez to me
There is no clash in my life
Make me weak and make me sick
And there's no time
And have no chance
And I walk into the silent

Thought keep inside not even concluded
The shadow hides eternity
The ruler of darkness distorted gear
And make it blur
And I can't see
And I walk into the silent
Walk into the silent

Reff :
What can I do now
There is no chance to proof
I just fall to the ground
But still I hope I can fly
In this farewell
There’s no blood
There’s no Alibi
‘Cause I’ve Drawn Regret
For the Truth
Of a Thousand Lies

So let Mercy Come
And Wash Away

What I’ve Done
I’ve Faced myself
To Cross out what I’ve Become
Erase Myself
And let Go of What I’ve done

Put to rest
What you Thought of Me
Well I Cleaned this Slate
With the Hands of Uncertainty

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[Bridge] - [chorus]



For What I’ve Done
I’ll start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I’m Forgiving What I’ve Done!!!

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What I’ve Done
Forgiving What I’ve Done